04 October 2010

moving on up

life of piefairy is closing up, and moving on.

because even though i am the piefairy, it's not just my life anymore, and actually hasn't been the whole time i've been writing this (seeing as "me" became "us" oh, one year, one month and fifteen days ago...ish).

which is why we've been sitting on a domain name since last fall, and working on a website since i found out i got into medical school, and why i am now very pleased to introduce to you...


doesn't yet have all the bells and whistles, but it'll get there. =) i'll still be doing everything i'm doing here, with some hopes for a bit more here and there.

so, update your readers and feeds and follow me on over to doctorsterry.com, for the [mis]adventures of a physicist and a physician-in-training. =)

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